Monday, August 11, 2008

last week of summer

It's hard to believe that summer is already over. I leave for Walla Walla next Tuesday to head off on my next (and final) great adventure for my 21st year. This fall I'll be exploring some of the biggest environmental and political issues of the Western United States under the guidance of Phil Brick, an environmental-politics professor at Whitman and with 20 other students who I cannot wait to meet and get to know.

During the last 6 months, I traveled to Tanzania and Ecuador with school-related programs. The people I met and the things I saw and learned in these places are forever ingrained in my memory and will inspire me to be a more compassionate and active person for the rest of my life. To the friends I made in these places, I can't wait for our next great adventure.

So here's to the next page. I'll try to keep up with this as much as internet access allows, and I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone along the way.

Also, we have a so you can follow our progress there!

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